Many texts have been written in our culture, the most known are Gita, Vedas, and Upanishads, and they are important but today we will talk about a scripture about which very few people know. No one will tell you to read the entire Mahabharata, but it must have been said that read the Gita. why? Because the most important part is it, don't read the entire Mahabharata, but read Gita once. the Gita which is said in it has so much power that it can change your thoughts, your attitude, and your life. If you read the scriptures, you will see that there is a questioner who is eager to know about that subject and an answerer who knows everything about that subject, be it Gita or Upanishad, it is the same in all. If I ask you, what is the part of Ramayana in which a curious questioner asks a question and an enlightened person gives his true, on-the-point, and accurate answer, a part which is as enlightening as the Gita? That part is Yogavashisht Maharamayana. Where Shri Ram asks que...
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