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Lessons Of Bhagvad Gita - 1


I still remember when I was about 14 years old, I took Bhagavad Gita in my hand for the first time. Yes, there was no special reason, but since childhood, I was hearing that Bhagavad Gita has the knowledge of all Vedas, reading Gita changes everyone's life, even whoever has been a thinker of India has always read this book and appreciated it. So the soak of reading from childhood, after studying a lot, how could I leave it? The Bhagavad Gita has made a very deep impact on my thoughts, on the principles of my life, and on my choices. So today I will talk about some such lessons which I got from Bhagavad Gita. 

So this is a modern era, there are many concepts of this modern era, the meaning of the concept here is that what things today's society counts as great, such as car, big reach looked house, iPhone, if you have followers on social media, then he is successful in his life. There is no such thing that is lacking in his life. This is just an example, but whatever is imposed on us that it will be called cool, that thing is a concept or perception. The question may be that I have used the word concept for this, so we have not discovered all these things by ourselves, that we get pleasure from them and we are behind it, it is imposed by advertisement, through movies and so-called social media influencer. Just think if this generation is so intelligent then why would they drink alcohol, why would they smoke cigarettes, even if they do not have money, they will get expensive phones from loans, Why would you buy a expensive bike? Because it was imposed in their mind that all the happiness of life is in this. The reason is not just the pretense but the thinking of their mind which has been sown by some marketing specialist. My reason for bringing up this topic is not that I abuse those people who have become victims of poor marketing strategy due to a lack of proper education. That right teaching that Bhagavad Gita gave me. Yes, I do not have any such verse that which verse taught me this because Arjuna is in despair about what is right or wrong for him and life is also like this, Arjuna should decide whether to fight the war or run away. What should we do, fight with the notions that have been imposed or accept our defeat and become slaves of those things? And only the Bhagavad Gita can teach this to decide right and wrong. I would like to discuss this topic in detail, but for now, let's get to the next point.

War is necessary but is it ok to be happy over victory and cry over the defeat of war? It is taught from childhood, achieve something in life, if you achieve something, you will become great, examples are kept, he achieved this, he got that, tied the knot in the mind since childhood that if you did this If there is no happiness, then there is only sorrow. What is the truth? Remember your childhood, you used to cry for something you wanted. And when that thing goes? There was happiness, but for how long? One wish was fulfilled, but your happiness did not last and the mind expressed another wish. And keep running, keep running. And this world also gives importance to this. If you get this, you are happy if you get that, then you are happy. When people get old, then they know that this race is never going to end. Those who know at the end of life, the same thing begins with the teachings of Shri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita.

Whatever you do, this world is unfit to give happiness to the soul, even if the world gives happiness to the body, the soul can never be happy with these things. On having this knowledge, the search for true happiness naturally comes and when there is a search for true happiness, then one gets interested in the Gita, in the Upanishads. Why did Swami Vivekananda say that give me 100 Nachiketas and I will change the world. What was it like in Nachiket? Yamraj gave so many temptations, but why did he reject all of them and chose self-knowledge, Brahmagyan? Because it was understood that everything is mortal. Many people start arguing that if everyone has such a mind that if there is nothing in the world, then everyone will stop working. You will only put an end to the race to get something. So my question to him is that if Shri Krishna had to prepare Arjuna for the war, then Arjuna should leave the war and take retirement, but why did it turn upside down? There is a difference between hearing things and taking life, the ground is Asma, after hearing it, it seems that this is the way to erase the reason for working, but when you know this, then like Arjuna, the courage to stand again in the war will come automatically. Because war is dharma, it is the duty to do it, but fighting in the war with the expectation that you will win or fighting with the fear that if you lose, you will go ahead and do bad for yourself. How? I cannot explain better than God, you have to read the Gita.

Who is God? And how can someone know him? Who can explain that better than God? Not only does one get to know from the Gita how God is there, but it also gets to know that what is the relationship between the soul and the Supreme Soul? There are some people who keep on believing that God is not there and does not do anything, and those who believe that God is there and do nothing. None of them wanted to know  God. Be it a believer or an atheist, once you know what God is, then all the false beliefs are gone. 

It is impossible to say all the lessons of Bhagavad Gita in one blog. Still will talk. That's all for now.


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